Things are so much different than when we were kids...right? Marriage...family...time...schedules...safety...security...accessibility. Things in our world have become so gray...and dark. Anything and everything is available at the touch of a button. Standards have changed...definitions have blurred, and our culture has bowed down to political correctness. Yet God...our unchanging Father...remains...and He waits for His daughters... to rise up and stand their ground. To live a life that points to the Truth of His Promises and stands as a beacon of hope for all to see!
We have, the God-given power and authority, within us...to impact our world, and to set the example for those who would dare follow our lead...creating a blueprint...making a map...building a legacy for the generations to follow. And that starts within the four walls of our home...our family. This is what we've been called to do...called to become...warriors who will fight for the hearts of our husbands and children, and extended family. Regardless of whether we are married or single, our life impacts our family. We have a purpose and to accomplish that we have to keep our eyes focused on the prize that is Christ!
Are you ready?
We have, the God-given power and authority, within us...to impact our world, and to set the example for those who would dare follow our lead...creating a blueprint...making a map...building a legacy for the generations to follow. And that starts within the four walls of our home...our family. This is what we've been called to do...called to become...warriors who will fight for the hearts of our husbands and children, and extended family. Regardless of whether we are married or single, our life impacts our family. We have a purpose and to accomplish that we have to keep our eyes focused on the prize that is Christ!
Are you ready?
We're talking about family. Specifically, our role as women, wives, mothers, daughters and sisters. To prepare you for our discussion time, please watch the short but powerful video and then answer the questions in the form below. I think all of us at some point have experienced feeling overwhelmed with life even within our families. So how does that impact us? How does it keep us from being present and from running our race? Your answers will be sent directly to your Coordinators and will not be shared with anyone else. Don't wait until the 11th hour! Take a minute TODAY and complete these questions. This MUST be completed before the next meeting! We're really looking forward to our time together as we dive deep into "A Woman and Her Family"!!